an innovative solution to prevent the risks of neck pain

an innovative solution to prevent the risks of neck pain

Cervicalgia, or neck pain, is one of the most common musculoskeletal disorders, affecting a large portion of the working population. Cervicalgia refers to pain localized in the neck area, often resulting from muscle tension, joint problems, or injuries to cervical structures. It can be acute or chronic and is often associated with headaches, stiffness, and reduced neck mobility. Workers are particularly exposed due to prolonged static postures, repetitive movements, and uncomfortable head positions. Prevention is essential to avoid long-term complications and maintain well-being at work. Lumbar exoskeletons specifically designed for the neck and upper shoulders provide an effective solution to prevent their onset or worsening. Specifically designed to redistribute weight and loads to the hips and legs, they allow:

a reduction in muscle fatigue
by decreasing the load on the cervical muscles

improvement of posture 
through a neutral position of the head and neck

increased comfort
during demanding postures

Problems likely to cause neck pain are present in many sectors of activity.

Hapo has therefore developed a range of exoskeletons targeted and adapted to the parts of the body most affected by musculoskeletal disorders, which are the shoulders, back, and neck. The different Hapo solutions are thus aimed at preventing muscle pain and the risks of conditions such as lower back pain, tendinitis, or neck pain.

Focus on neck pain in the industry


Work with arms raised, head up

Focus on neck pain in logistics


Constrained posture, vision and head up

Focus on neck pain in the construction industry

Construction and Public Works

Fatigue and strenuous activities such as painting ceilings

Neck pain, a major problem

Industry, construction, and logistics sectors are predominant



adults suffer from it at some point in their lives (source WHO)
Leading cause of disability among those under 45 in the workplace



workplace accidents
(source INRS 2019)

The Hapo solution to prevent the risks of neck pain.

The HAPO exoskeletons are exclusively non-motorized ("passive") exoskeletons. They are distinguished by a human-centered approach and advanced technology to maximize their performance and user comfort.

The Hapo difference is based on:
An unmatched efficiency/comfort ratio thanks to springs that combine lightness with a high capacity for energy storage and return
Adaptable elasticity to reduce muscle strain while maintaining precision in movements
Maximized comfort due to the adaptability of the exoskeleton, which perfectly fits the body and its movements

Find the exoskeleton suited to your needs with our online assessment.

In less than 5 minutes, perform a diagnosis of your situation and discover our recommendations and the Hapo exoskeleton that suits your needs.

Perform your postural analyses for free with the Hapo LEA application.

Poor postures + Poor movements = high risk of MSDs (Musculoskeletal Disorders). In one click, free of charge and in complete confidentiality, detect and analyze your postural risks with Hapo LEA.

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