Exoskeletons adapted for tilers

Exoskeletons adapted for tilers

Being a tiler means combining technical expertise and physical effort to create durable and aesthetic coverings.

Repeating the same actions, such as laying tiles or preparing surfaces, intensely strains the back, shoulders, and arms.

Working crouched, bent over, or handling heavy materials imposes significant physical constraints.

Adding to this prolonged positions and repeated loads: the equation is perfect for tiring muscles and promoting the onset of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs).

The exoskeleton is an innovative solution to prevent these risks and improve the daily comfort of tilers.

The problems of tilers

MSDs therefore manifest in the daily lives of tilers as back pain.

Focus on back pain

Back pain

Pain, muscle tension, risk of onset or worsening of lower back pain, sciatica, and herniated disc

MSDs have a significant impact on businesses.



One in two analyses reports a high risk of back MSDs according to HAPO LEA.



Work accidents caused by MSDs per year (ameli.fr).



Two out of three analyses show a risk of MSD for elbows according to HAPO LEA

The Hapo exoskeletons meet the expectations of tilers.

The non-motorized exoskeletons Hapo are designed to adapt to the challenges and daily activities of each tiler.

Lightness and freedom of movement

Tiler at work

Reduces lower back pain at the end of the day

Tiler bent forward and wearing an exoskeleton

Easy to use

with a quick installation

Tiler with their back on a construction site

They talk about it better than we do.

Users of our exoskeletons testify to the concrete benefits observed


Laurent D.

"We have more flexibility, and it's actually easier for us to get back up."

Discover the Hapo experience with various trades and professionals in the construction industry.

Find the exoskeleton suited to your needs with our online assessment.

In less than 5 minutes, perform a diagnosis of your situation and discover our recommendations and the Hapo exoskeleton that suits your needs.

Perform your postural analyses for free with the Hapo LEA application.

Poor postures + Poor movements = high risk of MSDs (Musculoskeletal Disorders). In one click, free of charge and in complete confidentiality, detect and analyze your postural risks with Hapo LEA.

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