Exoskeletons adapted for caregivers and nurses

Exoskeletons adapted for caregivers and nurses

The profession of nursing assistant is one of the most rewarding but also one of the most affected by musculoskeletal disorders. Their main activities involve intense or repetitive efforts.

- Assisting with patient mobility: lifting, transferring, repositioning, walking support

- Prolonged work in standing or bent positions for care

- Handling medical equipment

Fatigue and muscle tension are often present at the end of long workdays. Wearing an exoskeleton is an innovative solution to relieve and preserve the health of this essential and irreplaceable profession.

The problems of nursing assistants and nurses

MSDs primarily manifest in the daily lives of nursing assistants and nurses as back pain.

Nursing assistant equipped with an exoskeleton

Back pain

Problems with lower back pain, muscle tension, risks of onset or worsening of lower back pain, sciatica, and herniated disc.

Nursing assistants and nurses, on the front line

The areas most affected by MSDs (according to the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work)



Declare suffering from health problems related to their work



Work stoppages by healthcare professionals



work stoppages are due to MSDs

Exoskeletons Hapo : Meeting the Expectations of Caregivers and Nurses

The non-motorized exoskeletons Hapo adapt to the needs and daily movements of each caregiver and nurse.

Reduce fatigue

return home in the evening in good shape

Nursing assistants turning a patient

A discreet and efficient exoskeleton

which preserves the human relationship between the caregiver and the patient

Nursing assistant with a patient in a wheelchair

Ease and speed

setting up the exoskeleton

Nursing assistant leaning forward

They talk about it better than we do.

Users of our exoskeletons testify to the concrete benefits observed

Nursing Assistant

Margaux C.

"It is truly satisfying to have been able to participate in this experiment. Throughout the testing phases, our feedback and needs were fully considered to improve the device. Today, the result is here. Wearing the exoskeleton 'Hapo for Caregivers' allows me to have the correct posture systematically when I perform bed baths. It is really an advantage in our profession."

Nursing Assistant

Angélique V.

"I have been doing this job for 22 years, and this experience has really convinced me of the benefits of using the exoskeleton. Between the first version of the device tested in 2021 and today's version, the improvements made truly make it an everyday 'ally', essential for avoiding awkward movements and easing certain tasks, such as bathing residents. It is lightweight, easy to put on, discreet, washable, adjustable... I absolutely recommend it, regardless of age !"

Discover the Hapo experience with various healthcare professionals.

Find the exoskeleton suited to your needs with our online assessment.

In less than 5 minutes, perform a diagnosis of your situation and discover our recommendations and the Hapo exoskeleton that suits your needs.

Perform your postural analyses for free with the Hapo LEA application.

Poor postures + Poor movements = high risk of MSDs (Musculoskeletal Disorders). In one click, free of charge and in complete confidentiality, detect and analyze your postural risks with Hapo LEA.

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