Exoskeletons adapted for masons

Exoskeletons adapted for masons

Masons never hold back, it is said. Their endurance in the face of demanding tasks is remarkable, but this resilience has its limits, especially with the specific movements of their trade :

Carrying heavy loads: Transporting bricks and cement strains the back, shoulders, and arms.

Constrained positions: Working crouched or bent creates back tension.

Repetitive movements: Using hammers and trowels tires the forearms and shoulders.

These efforts promote musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Wearing an exoskeleton alleviates these constraints and helps preserve the health of masons.

The problems of the masons

MSDs therefore manifest in the daily lives of masons as back pain.

Focus on back pain

Back pain

Pain, muscle tension, risk of onset or worsening of lower back pain, sciatica, and herniated disc

MSDs, the leading cause of occupational diseases in the construction sector



Employees reporting back pain (batirama.com).



One in two analyses reports a high risk of back MSDs according to HAPO LEA.

The Hapo exoskeletons meet the expectations of masons.

The non-motorized exoskeletons Hapo are designed to adapt to the challenges and daily activities of each mason.

Reduction of daily fatigue

Mason with a shovel

Lightness and freedom of movement

Mason on a construction site

Reduction of physical constraints

and prevents MSDs

Mason with a chainsaw

Easy to set up

easy to clean

Mason equipped with a Hapo exoskeleton

Discover the Hapo experience with various trades and professionals in the construction industry.

Find the exoskeleton suited to your needs with our online assessment.

In less than 5 minutes, perform a diagnosis of your situation and discover our recommendations and the Hapo exoskeleton that suits your needs.

Perform your postural analyses for free with the Hapo LEA application.

Poor postures + Poor movements = high risk of MSDs (Musculoskeletal Disorders). In one click, free of charge and in complete confidentiality, detect and analyze your postural risks with Hapo LEA.

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