The choice of HAPO exoskeletons by Staci follows the positive feedback from employees after the testing phase. The data collected during these trials exceeded expectations:
- ErgoSanté's posture assistance devices significantly reduce the feeling of fatigue at the end of a workday.
- The presence of the HAPO exoskeleton, which is very lightweight, is barely noticeable by the operators. The movements of the arms, legs, and hips remain natural.
Staci testers also noted that the HAPO prevents operators from leaning too far forward by effectively supporting the lower back and upper body. Through this action, the passive exoskeleton reduces the strain on the spine. It also limits trunk inclinations and flexions. Reports of back pain significantly decreased during the test period.
Operators appreciated the functioning of the springs, installed on each side of the body. These mechanisms correct posture in real-time: they redirect the effort required by bending the legs. The springs—and the HAPO exoskeleton—thus protect handlers and warehouse workers from improper movements. Over time, operators become accustomed to the device and naturally adopt good practices to maintain their health on a daily basis.